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The previous fine-grained datasets mainly focus on classification and are often captured in a controlled setup, with the camera focusing on the objects. We introduce the first Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) dataset in the wild, captured from a moving camera mounted on a car. It contains 5502 scene images with 210 unique fine-grained labels of multiple vehicle types organized in a three-level hierarchy. While previous classification datasets also include makes for different kinds of cars, the FGVD dataset introduces new class labels for categorizing two-wheelers, autorickshaws, and trucks. The FGVD dataset is challenging as it has vehicles in complex traffic scenarios with intra-class and inter-class variations in types, scale, pose, occlusion, and lighting conditions. The current object detectors like yolov5 and faster RCNN perform poorly on our dataset due to a lack of hierarchical modeling. Along with providing baseline results for existing object detectors on FGVD Dataset, we also present the results of a combination of an existing detector and the recent Hierarchical Residual Network (HRN) classifier for the FGVD task. Finally, we show that FGVD vehicle images are the most challenging to classify among the fine-grained datasets.
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Recent work has shown that fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on a collection of tasks described via instructions, a.k.a. instruction-tuning, improves their zero and few-shot generalization to unseen tasks. However, there is a limited understanding of the performance trade-offs of different decisions made during the instruction-tuning process. These decisions include the scale and diversity of the instruction-tuning benchmark, different task sampling strategies, fine-tuning with and without demonstrations, training using specialized datasets for reasoning and dialogue, and finally, the fine-tuning objectives themselves. In this paper, we characterize the effect of instruction-tuning decisions on downstream task performance when scaling both model and benchmark sizes. To this end, we create OPT-IML Bench: a large benchmark for Instruction Meta-Learning (IML) of 2000 NLP tasks consolidated into task categories from 8 existing benchmarks, and prepare an evaluation framework to measure three types of model generalizations: to tasks from fully held-out categories, to held-out tasks from seen categories, and to held-out instances from seen tasks. Through the lens of this framework, we first present insights about instruction-tuning decisions as applied to OPT-30B and further exploit these insights to train OPT-IML 30B and 175B, which are instruction-tuned versions of OPT. OPT-IML demonstrates all three generalization abilities at both scales on four different evaluation benchmarks with diverse tasks and input formats -- PromptSource, FLAN, Super-NaturalInstructions, and UnifiedSKG. Not only does it significantly outperform OPT on all benchmarks but is also highly competitive with existing models fine-tuned on each specific benchmark. We release OPT-IML at both scales, together with the OPT-IML Bench evaluation framework.
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Quantum computing (QC) promises significant advantages on certain hard computational tasks over classical computers. However, current quantum hardware, also known as noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (NISQ), are still unable to carry out computations faithfully mainly because of the lack of quantum error correction (QEC) capability. A significant amount of theoretical studies have provided various types of QEC codes; one of the notable topological codes is the surface code, and its features, such as the requirement of only nearest-neighboring two-qubit control gates and a large error threshold, make it a leading candidate for scalable quantum computation. Recent developments of machine learning (ML)-based techniques especially the reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been applied to the decoding problem and have already made certain progress. Nevertheless, the device noise pattern may change over time, making trained decoder models ineffective. In this paper, we propose a continual reinforcement learning method to address these decoding challenges. Specifically, we implement double deep Q-learning with probabilistic policy reuse (DDQN-PPR) model to learn surface code decoding strategies for quantum environments with varying noise patterns. Through numerical simulations, we show that the proposed DDQN-PPR model can significantly reduce the computational complexity. Moreover, increasing the number of trained policies can further improve the agent's performance. Our results open a way to build more capable RL agents which can leverage previously gained knowledge to tackle QEC challenges.
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Time series, sets of sequences in chronological order, are essential data in statistical research with many forecasting applications. Although recent performance in many Transformer-based models has been noticeable, long multi-horizon time series forecasting remains a very challenging task. Going beyond transformers in sequence translation and transduction research, we observe the effects of down-and-up samplings that can nudge temporal saliency patterns to emerge in time sequences. Motivated by the mentioned observation, in this paper, we propose a novel architecture, Temporal Saliency Detection (TSD), on top of the attention mechanism and apply it to multi-horizon time series prediction. We renovate the traditional encoder-decoder architecture by making as a series of deep convolutional blocks to work in tandem with the multi-head self-attention. The proposed TSD approach facilitates the multiresolution of saliency patterns upon condensed multi-heads, thus progressively enhancing complex time series forecasting. Experimental results illustrate that our proposed approach has significantly outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods across multiple standard benchmark datasets in many far-horizon forecasting settings. Overall, TSD achieves 31% and 46% relative improvement over the current state-of-the-art models in multivariate and univariate time series forecasting scenarios on standard benchmarks. The Git repository is available at https://github.com/duongtrung/time-series-temporal-saliency-patterns.
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Training a neural network requires choosing a suitable learning rate, involving a trade-off between speed and effectiveness of convergence. While there has been considerable theoretical and empirical analysis of how large the learning rate can be, most prior work focuses only on late-stage training. In this work, we introduce the maximal initial learning rate $\eta^{\ast}$ - the largest learning rate at which a randomly initialized neural network can successfully begin training and achieve (at least) a given threshold accuracy. Using a simple approach to estimate $\eta^{\ast}$, we observe that in constant-width fully-connected ReLU networks, $\eta^{\ast}$ demonstrates different behavior to the maximum learning rate later in training. Specifically, we find that $\eta^{\ast}$ is well predicted as a power of $(\text{depth} \times \text{width})$, provided that (i) the width of the network is sufficiently large compared to the depth, and (ii) the input layer of the network is trained at a relatively small learning rate. We further analyze the relationship between $\eta^{\ast}$ and the sharpness $\lambda_{1}$ of the network at initialization, indicating that they are closely though not inversely related. We formally prove bounds for $\lambda_{1}$ in terms of $(\text{depth} \times \text{width})$ that align with our empirical results.
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Timely and effective feedback within surgical training plays a critical role in developing the skills required to perform safe and efficient surgery. Feedback from expert surgeons, while especially valuable in this regard, is challenging to acquire due to their typically busy schedules, and may be subject to biases. Formal assessment procedures like OSATS and GEARS attempt to provide objective measures of skill, but remain time-consuming. With advances in machine learning there is an opportunity for fast and objective automated feedback on technical skills. The SimSurgSkill 2021 challenge (hosted as a sub-challenge of EndoVis at MICCAI 2021) aimed to promote and foster work in this endeavor. Using virtual reality (VR) surgical tasks, competitors were tasked with localizing instruments and predicting surgical skill. Here we summarize the winning approaches and how they performed. Using this publicly available dataset and results as a springboard, future work may enable more efficient training of surgeons with advances in surgical data science. The dataset can be accessed from https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/isi-simsurgskill-2021.
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Language models can be prompted to perform a wide variety of zero- and few-shot learning problems. However, performance varies significantly with the choice of prompt, and we do not yet understand why this happens or how to pick the best prompts. In this work, we analyze the factors that contribute to this variance and establish a new empirical hypothesis: the performance of a prompt is coupled with the extent to which the model is familiar with the language it contains. Over a wide range of tasks, we show that the lower the perplexity of the prompt is, the better the prompt is able to perform the task. As a result, we devise a method for creating prompts: (1) automatically extend a small seed set of manually written prompts by paraphrasing using GPT3 and backtranslation and (2) choose the lowest perplexity prompts to get significant gains in performance.
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Modern Deep Learning (DL) models have grown to sizes requiring massive clusters of specialized, high-end nodes to train. Designing such clusters to maximize both performance and utilization to amortize their steep cost is a challenging task requiring careful balance of compute, memory, and network resources. Moreover, a plethora of each model's tuning knobs drastically affect the performance, with optimal values often depending on the underlying cluster's characteristics, which necessitates a complex cluster-workload co-design process. To facilitate the design space exploration of such massive DL training clusters, we introduce COMET a holistic cluster design methodology and workflow to jointly study the impact of parallelization strategies and key cluster resource provisioning on the performance of distributed DL training. We develop a step-by-step process to establish a reusable and flexible methodology, and demonstrate its application with a case study of training a Transformer-1T model on a cluster of variable compute, memory, and network resources. Our case study demonstrates COMET's utility in identifying promising architectural optimization directions and guiding system designers in configuring key model and cluster parameters.
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We introduce Action-GPT, a plug and play framework for incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) into text-based action generation models. Action phrases in current motion capture datasets contain minimal and to-the-point information. By carefully crafting prompts for LLMs, we generate richer and fine-grained descriptions of the action. We show that utilizing these detailed descriptions instead of the original action phrases leads to better alignment of text and motion spaces. Our experiments show qualitative and quantitative improvement in the quality of synthesized motions produced by recent text-to-motion models. Code, pretrained models and sample videos will be made available at https://actiongpt.github.io
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